Dr Nistor Becia, Senior Psychologist with Swansea Bay, is actively supporting the opening of the hospital in Bozovici, Romania, through an upcoming charity event in Wales

Dr Nistor Becia, Senior Psychologist with Swansea Bay, is actively supporting the opening of the hospital in Bozovici, Romania, through an upcoming charity event in Wales

Following the success of a charity event held in London on May 10, 2024, organized by Andreea Salvage to support the construction of a children’s mental health hospital in Bucharest, Romania, Dr Becia participated in a virtual meeting today with the Mayor of Bozovici in Romania Adrian-Sergiu Stoicu and Mrs Salvage. The meeting focused on the palpable possibility of Mrs Salvage organizing a similar charity event in Wales to benefit the hospital in Bozovici.

Dr Becia was pleased to learn that the hospital in Bozovici is currently undergoing rehabilitation and modernization, with plans to be fully operational by the end of the year. This development is a significant advancement for the local community, promising enhanced medical services and facilities.

Mayor Stoicu has expressed interest in travelling to Wales to attend the charity event in person. He is keen on fostering collaboration between the NHS and the hospital in Romania with the support of Dr Becia, particularly in areas of staff exchange, knowledge sharing, and training opportunities. Such a collaboration is anticipated to enhance healthcare services and further the relationships and partnerships between the countries.

The discussions with Andreea Salvage about organizing the charity event were highly encouraging. It is hoped that the event will take place either at the end of this summer or later in the year, coinciding with Mayor Stoicu’s potential visit to Wales.

Dr Becia strongly supports initiatives that bridge individuals, services, and countries, particularly in the healthcare sector.

Departamentul de Comunicare UZPR-UK
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